Kristin Song experienced tragedy when she lost her son Ethan to a gunshot wound from an unsecure weapon on Jan. 31, 2018. Since that day, Kristin has done everything in her power to make sure this does not happen to someone else’s child. She was instrumental in passing Ethan’s Law, which requires gun owners to secure their weapons when children are in the home. She developed the Ethan Miller Song Foundation (EMSF) because she and her husband Mike wanted to honor all the things Ethan loved: animals, the military, and keeping kids safe. Today, EMSF works to end gun violence in urban areas and has been working closely with New Haven to help at-risk youth. Through the foundation, the Songs have opened a center in New Haven for children who don’t have a bed to sleep in, dinner to eat, or a place to feel safe. Kristin wants these kids to know love, feel cherished, and to recognize that there is a big, beautiful world out there. She and Ethan shared a love for animals, and together helped almost 100 shelter dogs find their forever homes. Today, she continues this work in Ethan’s honor through her work with Pink Shelter. Kristin is struck by the number of people willing to offer help, especially Guilford residents. Whenever she has placed a call for action, volunteers have come running.