Lynn Riordan of North Branford is the founder of Matt’s Mission Fund, a non-profit organization that raises money to assist students in need and to educate the public on responsible driving. Matt’s Mission Fund was established five years ago after Lynn’s son Matthew Picciuto died in a car accident. Lynn speaks all over the state at schools about speeding and driving. “No Need to Speed” signs have been placed all along shoreline roads as a reminder of Matt’s message. The fund raises money through donations and the annual Matt’s Mission 5K race. More than $200,000 has been raised in the past four years. Class dues have been paid for many students who otherwise would not have been able to attend graduation or senior prom. Families in need have had their rent, electric, or phone bills paid when warranted. Lunch tickets are available in the Guidance Department year-round for students who are hungry and have no money to eat. Lynn’s next project is a food pantry in North Branford, aligned with the Connecticut Food Bank.