How do you know Chalotte Mattei? Is it through one of her more public endeavors – as the founder of the Branford Holiday Parade or her more than two decades serving on the Branford Festival Committee? Her efforts on behalf of Harbor Health Services/BHCare or the Branford Jazz Series? Her long-time involvement with the Chamber of Commerce and the Branford Fireworks? Perhaps you’re one of her Branford Rotary or Italian-American Club colleagues who praise her “roll up her sleeves” work ethic, or simply someone who admires constant commitment to others through something as semmingly simple as her year-round quest for sample-sized toiletries to assist BHCare’s homeless clients. As one of her Beacon Award nominators summed up, “If there is a need, Charlotte finds a way to help, most of the time without being asked, and if she is asked, she always says, ‘Yes.'” Another added, “She puts others and her community before herself always – she is involved in what seems like every town project – and she is a good person!”